
Welcome to TJD!

Hey everyone, Taylor here. Welcome to my website! Sometimes this whole business thing of mine feels pretty 'spur-of-the-moment' after years of turning in hours at a 9-5, but this endeavor has been a long time coming for me, actually. I've spent years working in the design industry, and I've always had the itch to set out and start creating on my own. I'm still (relatively) young, ready to work, and I've had a lot of experience under my belt, so what better time than now to get started!

I want design to be as approachable as possible to anyone who's open to it, so I'll be doing my best to keep this blog as casual and as laid back as possible (kinda like me). Too often I feel like designers create an air about themselves to keep the uninitiated at arms length; to make sure that their reputation as a 'popular designer' stays untarnished by avoiding having to explain things to people. That is NOT what this is going to be about. Daily, weekly, monthly, or whenever inspiration strikes, I'll be posting about design from all angles. From what to look for if you're thinking about hiring a designer to period furniture. Anything as broad and diverse as picking a paint color down to the minute differences in the production of ceramic and porcelain tile. And it will be all as un-stuffy as possible!

I feel that my diverse background in different niches of design gives me unique perspectives into a community that often feels closed off or unreachable to most people. I'll be doing my best to bring you that insight whenever I get the chance. Feel free to comment here or use the "Hire Us" tab to contact me directly if you ever have any questions regarding anything. I promise I'm an open book and infinitely reachable. If you feel like staying tuned, I promise I'll make it worth your while!

Thanks for visiting, and I hope to hear from you soon!